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Injury Prevention

Professional athletes have the benefit of getting expert advice on the prevention of sports injuries, but amateur athletes are on their own when it comes to preparing their bodies for the stresses of vigorous exercise.

Here are some tips to help amateurs play without getting injured:

  • Use the proper shoes for the sport. All popular sports have shoes designed for the surface they are played on and the movements they require. Wearing inappropriate shoes can lead to injuries of the feet, legs or spine.
  • Warm-up from five to ten minutes before any sports activity. That means stretching muscles and increasing blood circulation, especially to the parts of the body that will be most affected by the sport.
  • Cool down after the activity. Slowing down gradually and doing some stretching restores balance to muscles, allowing them to relax to a normal state. Ignoring a cool down session can lead to muscle tightness, pulls, strains, or muscle spasms in future sessions.
  • Follow a program of gradual improvement in a sport. Those who try to achieve a difficult goal too quickly or with insufficient preparation are asking for trouble. The body needs time to adjust to new challenges.
  • Participate in a variety of sports. A particular sport could be dangerous for an individual whose body simply isn't suited for it. There are plenty of sports available – so choose one that is interesting and fun.
  • Practice the sport for at least three 20-minute sessions a week. One long session a week can be too much of a shock to the body.
  • If you are over 40, are overweight, smoke, lead a sedentary life, or have recurring health problems, particularly heart problems, consult your healthcare provider before engaging in a sports program. Your healthcare provider may recommend a stress test and advise you on how to prevent injuries.


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