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Verified Trauma Center

In an emergency, there’s no better place to be than the Trauma Center at Union Hospital. Our expert team of trauma physicians, specialty surgeons, and specially trained nurses are standing by 24/7 to provide lifesaving care. With four state-of-the-art trauma bays and the largest OR and ICU in the area, our verified Trauma Center is at the ready when every second counts.

Level III Trauma Center

Union Hospital’s trauma center has been verified as a Level III Trauma Center by the American College of Surgeons (ACS). As the first verified trauma center in the Terre Haute area, this achievement recognized Union Hospital’s dedication to providing optimal care for injured patients.

Extension of Care

As a verified trauma center, the care extends past the Emergency Department and into other parts of the hospital. Quality of care at every point is monitored - such as the surgical response, the operating room response, the blood bank resources, the intensive care unit, and post-op follow-up.

Man Impaled By Tree Branch Reacts Quickly to Survive

Matt Cheathum was struck by a fallen tree branch while driving during a severe storm. He quickly calls 911 which immediately activates paramedics and a Level 1 activation at Union Hospital. 911: “Just a heads-up Union, subject is entrapped in the vehicle with a tree branch impaled into his chest.” Matt Cheatham said he didn’t remember much after the call, but later said, “God got me through that!” This five-minute video is a testimony to all the first responders (New Goshen Fire & Rescue, Trans Care, and the Union Health Trauma Team), who are prepared for the worst.

Healthier, together.

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