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Inpatient Therapy

The Union Hospital Inpatient Therapy team is dedicated to providing advanced acute care services for all ages in a setting conducive to healing. Occupational, physical and speech therapy services are available in our comprehensive, state-of-the-art facility. Our therapists work with you and your provider to develop the very best plan for your recovery and to assure you receive education and training to prevent further injury. 

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy helps people become more independent in the tasks that they take on in their daily life, or the things that occupy their time; hence, occupational therapy. In the hospital, occupational therapy focuses on gaining function and independence in the areas of upper extremity function, endurance and ADL's (activities of daily living). ADL's include things such as feeding, dressing, grooming, and bathing, as well as mobility issues. Occupational therapy also utilizes adaptive equipment to assist patients in becoming more independent.

Occupational therapists are part of a team of health care providers who all work toward providing the patient quality and comprehensive care. Occupational therapists play a very important role in discharge planning. Adequate follow-up care, safety issues and suitable recommendations are identified to ensure that patients are discharged appropriately.

Physical Therapy

Inpatient physical therapy focuses on the care of acutely ill patients who are functionally impaired as a result of their illness or condition. Physical therapy aims to improve and/or prevent deterioration of the patient's functional status.

Physical therapy is provided to medical and post-operative patients. Physical therapy intervention includes exercises to improve strength, flexibility and balance; re-training patients to walk with or without the use of devices such as walkers, canes or crutches; and other functional intervention techniques and instructions, all directed toward returning patients to their previous level of function.

Physical therapy is a part of the team of health care providers who all work toward providing the patient quality and comprehensive care. Physical therapists and physical therapy assistants play a very important role in discharge planning. Adequate follow-up care, safety issues, and appropriate recommendations are identified to ensure that patients are discharged appropriately.

Speech Therapy

Inpatient speech therapy focuses on the care of acutely ill patients who have decreased function in communication (articulation, respiration and language skills), thinking skills (memory, judgment and problem solving) and swallowing disorders due to their illness.

Speech therapy provides evaluation and treatment of a variety of areas in the acutely ill patient including: Stroke/CVA (cerebrovascular accident), brain injury, voice disorders, swallowing disorders, motor speech disorders (Parkinson's and multiple sclerosis), and laryngectomy and tracheotomy patients. Along with the radiology department and a radiologist, the speech therapist participates in a swallowing evaluation called a modified barium swallow study. This study helps in evaluation of the swallowing disorder and in planning the appropriate treatment for safe hydration and nutrition for the acutely ill patients.

Speech therapy interventions include exercises for the patient and family to train in strengthening the tongue, lips, face and throat muscles to swallow more safely and talk more clearly. The speech therapist can provide alternative ways to communicate for patients who find talking too difficult. The speech therapist will also provide activities to facilitate memory and thinking skills that have been reduced so the patient can go through the day more safely and independently.

Speech therapy is part of the team of healthcare providers all working toward providing the patient quality and comprehensive care. Speech therapists play a very important role in discharge planning. Adequate follow-up care, safety and appropriate recommendations are identified to ensure patients are discharged appropriately.

Healthier, together.

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