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Pulmonary Rehab

Union Hospital provides Pulmonary Education and Management by respiratory therapists specializing in pulmonary disease. The therapists have received their certification in asthma education from the National Asthma Educator Certification Board (NAECB) and completed the COPD Educator training through the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC).

The asthma educator certification (AE-C) is the official designation of a certified asthma educator who has the necessary knowledge and skills to counsel patients in asthma management and has successfully passed the NAECB exam. It is an evaluation process that demonstrates the rigorous education and experience requirements that are met. If at any time you have questions regarding our services, please feel free to call.


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Aimee Cottrell, RRT AE-C
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Jimmy McKanna, RRT
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1606 North 7th Street
Terre Haute, Indiana 47807
Ph. 812.238.7822
Fax 812.238.4994

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 7 a.m.-4 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday: 7-11 a.m.

Healthier, together.

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