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Classes & Workshops

Diabetes Management Workshop

A four-hour group class (2 sessions) for those newly diagnosed with diabetes or those who need an update. The workshop covers basic diabetes management principles including nutrition principles and meal planning, medications, blood sugar testing, exercise, acute and chronic complications, foot care, and more. Class series offered several times a month. Currently, these are billed through insurance and require a provider referral. 

Comprehensive Diabetes Class

Comprehensive Diabetes classes are offered four times each month, but dates and times will vary to meet the various needs of our patients. They are offered both virtually or in person. In-person classes are conducted in small groups to allow for social distancing and face masks are required. Patients can self-refer/register by calling us at 812-238-7577 or their health care provider can refer to us as well.

Pre-Diabetes Class

If you have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome, or insulin resistance, learn how to delay or prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Classes are on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at the Union Hospital Professional Office Building, Suite 503, 1530 N. 7th St. Terre Haute. Consult the events calendar on the Home Page for exact times. The fee for this class is $15, self-pay (insurance not billed).

Call the Union Hospital Diabetes Education Center at 812.238.7577 for more information.

Healthier, together.

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