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Asthma Self-Management Program

Asthma Management

Asthma cannot be cured, but it can be controlled. Enrollment in an asthma self-management program, as well as having a written action plan are vital steps in controlling your asthma.

The Asthma Self-Management Program, available at Union Hospital and Union Hospital Clinton, is offered to anyone with asthma through a referral by your medical practitioner. The program features one-on-one education during four classes covering: triggers, early warning signs, special stations, medications, devices, and using your individual asthma action plan. A home environment tour is also offered to help locate triggers and learn how to remove them from within the living environment. At the program's end, individuals with asthma and their caregivers will work as a team to gain control of their asthma.

The Asthma Self-Management Program therapists have received their certification in asthma education from the National Asthma Educator Certification Board (NAECB). The asthma educator certification (AE-C) is the official designation of a certified asthma educator who has the necessary knowledge and skills to counsel patients in asthma management and has successfully passed the NAECB exam.

In-services for schools and daycares are also available.


Interested in learning more? Contact Aimee Cottrell at or Jimmy McKanna at




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