alert  Temporary Visiting Restrictions in Place Learn More

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Visiting Hours

PLEASE CLICK HERE for the current Visitor Policy


Effective February 6, 2025, NICU visitation is restricted to parents and grandparents ONLY. Anyone in the NICU, visitor or employee, must wear a mask.


Effective October 21, 2024, NICU visitation restrictions are in place throughout the duration of RSV season. RSV, or Respiratory Syncytial Virus, is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. Infants are more likely to develop severe RSV and need hospitalization. Preventive options such as restricting NICU visitation help us protect infants.



Visiting Hours

Visits from loved ones are important to your healing and emotional health. Rest, privacy and safety are also vital to your health and well-being. To respect your rest, privacy, and safety, we limit visitors to two per patient at a time. Your caregivers may ask visitors to step out of the room momentarily to ensure your privacy. An adult must accompany any children visiting.

Overnight visitors must register and wear a name badge to ensure the security of our patients and staff. Please talk to the nurse about obtaining a visitor pass from Admitting in Union West or ER or Admitting in Union East.

Shhh, Patients are Trying to Rest

Rest is one of the most important parts of healing. Please help us help you and all patients by:

  • Limiting visitors to two per patient at one time.
  • Maintaining low voices in all areas of the hospital.

Visitation Policy 

  • Patients have the right to select who may or may not visit them regardless of whether or not that person is legally related to the patient.
  • Patients and/or their representatives will be fully informed of their visitation rights on admission including any clinical restriction or limitation on those rights.
  • Patients have the right to receive visitors he or she chooses and the right to withdraw or deny such consent at any time.
  • Visitors will not be restricted based on race, color, national origin, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or ethnicity.
  • Clinical restrictions and limitation decisions will be based on the health and safety of visitors and patients.


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