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Six Benefits of Swimming for People With Joint Pain

Six Benefits of Swimming for People With Joint Pain
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It's no secret that regular exercise can help improve symptoms of arthritis. But if you have excruciating joint pain, working out can feel like a challenge. But there's one type of exercise that can help your joints without as much pain: swimming. If you haven't been in a pool in a while, don't worry. The benefits of swimming for people with arthritis or other problems causing joint pain will far outweigh however awkward you feel in a swimsuit.

1. Swimming is a great exercise for your entire body.

Regular cardiovascular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. Swimming keeps your heart rate up like high-impact activities such as running. In addition, water has more resistance than air as you move through it, which provides great muscle strengthening and endurance. And unlike many other activities, swimming involves your whole body, which means almost all your muscles are getting a workout. Stronger muscles in your arms, back, and legs can lessen joint pain.

2. Swimming improves your circulation.

Improved cardiovascular fitness means lower blood pressure and improved circulation. Better circulation ensures more oxygen reaches your joints, which can help them feel looser and lower inflammation.

3. Swimming may increase your range of motion.

There's a reason pools are used in physical therapy – exercising in warm water helps alleviate stiff joints. Over time, swimming may help improve your range of motion. Even a few degrees added to your range can make a big difference in your daily activities.

4. Research shows swimming may reduce joint pain.

Studies show that swimming and other water-based exercises can reduce joint pain for people with arthritis. The benefits of swimming aren't limited to those with osteoarthritis, however. People with rheumatoid and juvenile arthritis have also been shown to benefit, along with those with other types of physical pain, such as fibromyalgia. Additionally, research suggests that swimming may help prevent developing osteoarthritis in the knee.

5. Swimming can boost your quality of life.

Suffering from joint pain can affect your mental health and overall quality of life. Swimming reduces stress, decreases anxiety, and improves sleep. All these factors can contribute to an improved quality of life. If swimming helps reduce joint pain, your quality of life will likely improve.

6. You don't have to actually swim.

If you're not a great swimmer or your health limits your movements such that swimming isn't feasible, you can still get most of the same benefits by working out in the pool instead of on land. Water walking in a pool can strengthen your muscles and boost your heart rate. Aquatic exercise classes can provide an additional challenge, with no laps necessary.

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